With how much we use our arms and hands for everyday life and recreation, having an injury or some sort of syndrome that limits or prevents the use of our upper extremity can be extremely frustrating. For many, the use of our hands is a lifeline and how we make a living, so when using them is a challenge it can have a drastic effect on our everyday life. If you are experiencing pain or any issue then please come and see us so we can help you get back to work or activities as quickly as possible and help to reduce any recurrence.

Tennis Elbow (aka Lateral Epicondylitis)
It should be remembered that only 5% of people suffering from tennis elbow relate the injury to tennis! Contractile overloads that chronically stress the tendon near the attachment on the humerus (upper arm bone) are the primary cause of epicondylitis. It occurs often in repetitive upper extremity activities such as computer use, heavy lifting, forceful forearm pronation and supination (twisting of the forearm), and repetitive vibration. Despite the name you will also commonly see this chronic condition in other sports such as squash, badminton, baseball, swimming and field throwing events. People with repetitive one-sides movements in their jobs such as electricians, carpenters, gardeners, desk bound jobs also commonly present with this condition.
Golfers Elbow (aka Medial Epicondylitis)
Great, one more reason to be frustrated with the game of golf! 😊
Medial Epicondylitis is a repetitive use injury that affects the inside of the elbow. Because chronic repetitive concentric or eccentric contractile loading (Gripping, twisting, etc.) of the muscles in the forearm and wrist are the most common causes, occupations such as carpentry, plumbing, and meat cutting etc. have also been implicated. The pathology may also be produced by sudden violence to these tendons in a single traumatic event. In many cases trauma at work had been identified as the cause of the symptoms. More specific occupational physical factors associated with medial epicondylitis are forceful activities among men and with repetitive movements of the arm among women.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
A little too much time on the keyboard maybe? With how much we are using our arms and hands, this is a very common overuse injury of the wrist and hand. Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is actually the most common entrapment neuropathy (pain and numbness) caused by compression of the median nerve as it travels through the wrist's carpal tunnel.
Early symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome include pain, numbness, and paresthesia (burning or prickling sensation).
Symptoms typically present, with some variability, in the thumb, index finger, middle finger, and the radial half (thumb side) of the ring finger. Pain also can radiate up the affected arm. With further development and time, hand weakness, decreased fine motor coordination, clumsiness, and thumb atrophy can occur.
is a painful condition affecting the tendons on the thumb side of your wrist. If you have de Quervain's Tenosynovitis, it will probably hurt when you turn your wrist, grasp anything or make a fist. The pain has been described as a “constant aching, burning, pulling sensation.” Although the exact cause of de Quervain's Tenosynovitis isn't known, any activity that relies on repetitive hand or wrist movement — such as working in the garden, playing golf or racket sports, or lifting your baby — can make it worse.
How We Treat
When treating an injury at the elbow, wrist, or hand, whether it is an acute trauma or a chronic issue that has been plaguing you for some time, we will begin with a thorough evaluation to determine the cause and extent of the issue. Then, together, we will come up with a plan of care to quickly reduce pain, improve function, and overall return to prior levels of activity and lifestyle.
Injuries and dysfunction at the elbow and wrist require us to look at the entire arm line up to the shoulder and neck to make sure that we are treating the root cause so we may correct any imbalances or incorrect movement patterns to allow for better outcomes and decrease the recurrence of injury. The plan will consist of Manual Therapy to reduce chronic tension in the muscle and soft tissue surrounding and within the elbow joint, the joints of the wrist, and Joints of the hand along with Therapeutic Exercise, including the Gyrotonic Method to increase overall strength, flexibility, and improve movement patterns. Chronic and repetitive use injuries can be tricky to treat but we are confident that we can help!