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Sport injuries are diverse in terms of the mechanism of injury, how they present in individuals, and how the injury should be managed.  Sports injuries may be defined as damage to the tissues of the body that occurs as a result of sport or exercise. Sports injuries can be classified into two categories, Acute or Chronic and understanding both the mechanism of injury and the onset of the symptoms will dictate how we treat.


Acute Injury

Injury that occurs suddenly to previously normal tissue. Acute injuries happen due to sudden trauma to the tissue, with the symptoms of acute injuries presenting themselves almost immediately. The principle in this instance is that the force exerted at the time of injury on the tissue (i.e. muscle, tendon, ligament, and bone) exceeds the strength of that tissue. Forces commonly involved in acute injury are either direct or indirect. Acute injuries can be classified according to the site of the injury (e.g. bone, cartilage, ligament, muscle, bursa, tendon, joint, nerve or skin) and the type of injury (e.g. fracture, dislocation, sprain or strain).

Common Acute Injuries include:

Ankle Sprain                 

Quadriceps Strain

Clavicular Fracture

Shoulder Dislocation

Knee Sprain

Calf Strain

Rotator Cuff Tears


Chronic Injury

Any repetitive activity can lead to an overuse injury. Overuse injuries occur over a period of time, usually due to excessive and repetitive loading of the tissue, with symptoms presenting gradually. Little or no pain might be experienced in the early stages of these injuries and the athlete might continue to place pressure on the injured site. This prevents the site being given the necessary time to heal. In contrast to acute injuries, the cause of overuse injuries is often much less obvious. The principle in overuse injury is that repetitive microtrauma overloads the capacity of the tissue to repair itself.

Common Chronic Injuries Include:

Achilles Tendinopathy

Tennis Elbow

Iliotibial Band Syndrome

Rotator Cuff Tendinopathy (Tendinitis)

Golfers Elbow


How We Treat

At WAV PT, we take great pride in being movement experts and expect that we can help you make a full recovery and get you back in the game fast. First, we will take a detailed medical history including any prior surgeries, your current activity level, and any conditions that may have contributed to your injury. Next, we will do a thorough examination that may include looking over any X-rays, MRI, or ultrasound in order to correctly diagnose and precisely identify the injured tissue.  After an extensive evaluation, together we will develop a treatment plan that is right for your injury, your physical fitness, your lifestyle, and your ability level.

Your treatment plan will include Manual Therapy to free tissue and joint restrictions, improve range of motion, and aid in the healing process.  Your plan of care will also include therapeutic exercise to improve overall strength, create balance, and improve overall function, not just in the area of the injury but in the surrounding areas to make sure you are performing optimally.  Since you are only in the clinic part time, you will be given a Home Exercise Program in which you are expected to follow as this is a key factor in a quick and efficient recovery.   

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